The Remake of Entertainment Production Financing

Duet recreates entertainment production financing, financial planning, visibility and monitoring, driven by AI powered SaaS platform.

Financial Visibility & Embedded Financing
Set Us Apart

Duet addresses production cash flow shortfalls with a data driven financing hub embedded into our AI-powered FP&A suite. Producers can now optimize budgets, plan tax incentives, build and track cashflows, and easily access innovative financing tools, benefiting from real-time financial visibility.

Self-Serve Financing Hub

Simplify project financing with our innovative Bridge Rails™, a self-serve tool designed for direct production financing and vendor payment financing.

AI for Financial Planning

Analysis of production budgets, schedules and scripts, yields enhanced insights, intelligent cashflow planning, tax incentive optimization, and real-time cost reporting.

Digital Payments Network

Advanced digital payment orders platform takes a proactive approach to streamline payment operations and improve vendor receivable financing.

Always-On & Secure

Secure web & mobile access to a role-based system in the cloud, provides unparalleled and safeguarded data availability for financial management.

How Does It Work?

Who Is It For?

We empower production companies, production participants, vendors, and financiers, by offering a central financial hub to cater for industry growth and creativity.

Producers and Production Management Teams

Producers, line producers, UPMs, ADs, financial executives and production accountants constantly navigate the challenges of financial planning, control and visibility.

Smart, AI driven Financial Planning and Control

Ease of access to Innovative Financing

Tax incentive planning and insurance offering

Transparent and Predictable Pricing

Duet becomes increasingly beneficial to people who are being paid for participating in productions.

Increased financial confidence

Get Paid On Time

Easily access financing of your receivable

No Credit checks Needed!

With advanced contextual industry data analysis, real-time risk monitoring, and cashflow visibility, Duet fills the gap of monitoring production risks.

Financial Real-Time Monitoring

Innovative Financing Hub

Visibility and Control

Increased Confidence in Completion

This Is Us

We recognize the vital role producers play for the industry to do well. Our task is to alleviate the financial stress of entertainment productions, with the goal of establishing trusted partnerships that foster creativity, efficiency, and profitability.

Our task is to promote sustainable financial management tools for all participants in entertainment productions, providing advanced insights, strong analytics capabilities, and best services. Our self-serve production financing tool, and fp&a platform are targeted at that.

Read our blog to learn more.

Team Duet is built of highly experienced and accomplished members, and it is spearheaded by seasoned founders. A seasoned startup entrepreneur with a robust financial background in the TV and film production industry, that had teamed up with a technology expert with over two decades of experienced tech leader in NASDAQ-traded tech and cyber companies.

Team is further fortified by senior industry advisors, bringing deep insights into the entertainment sector and industry veterans specializing in production and financial management. Their collective expertise ensures that Duet is not just reliable and reputable but also and mainly a game-changer in the entertainment industry.

Questions? Look here.

How can producers benefit from Duet?

Duet addresses a problem, common in the entertainment industry where production financing is complex, expensive and unagile. Embedded in its AI-powered financial planning and analysis platform (fp&a), Duet offers a unique self-served financing facility – Bridge Rails™. Addressing initially cashflow shortfalls during production, our innovative Bridge Rails™ offer: (1) direct bridge financing; (2) tax incentive backed financing; and (3) innovative vendor payments financing tools. Duets fp&a, enhances and optimizes financial planning and control combining cashflow planning, budget tracking, tax incentive planning, insurance and streamlined payments; resulting in control, cost savings, and peace of mind.

Partnering with Duet, production financiers benefit from innovative data-driven underwriting with advanced industry data integration, continuous risk management and real-time financial visibility. Together with improved lending practices and digital loan management, financiers can diverse revenue streams, broaden customer base and improve ROI. Completion bonds will benefit from real-time production financials monitoring, advanced data driven risk management with industry data integration.

Duet is pioneering with Digital Payment Orders network (DPO) for the entertainment industry. With unique ID to each production participant, DPO enabled secure digital payments, done on time. DPOs also facilitate receivable financing for production vendors without any credit checks. Using existing and proven payment rails, DPO fosters collaboration, builds trust, and reduces uncertainty among industry participants.

Duet is designed from the ground up foreseeing the current and future needs of the dynamically changing entertainment production landscape. It is the ultimate financial planning, analysis and financing partner, offering peace of mind in financial control. We are pioneering a holistic cloud based financing platform with AI-driven risk management engine to facilitate embedded self-serve financing directly from the user interface, including direct financing, vendor receivables, dynamic discounts, and a cutting-edge digital payment network, combined with advanced financial planning and analysis strengths.

Currently in our journey, we invite production companies to partner with us in product design. Our interactions with producers as partners led to remarkable new ideas how to make financing a lot easier. In addition, Duet promotes and enrolls potential customers on an early adopter program. We will cater to productions of all scales. For more information, we invite you to contact us to join our waiting list or become a lending partner.

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Changing the Game in Entertainment Financing.

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